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Sugar tastes great, but the effects it has on your body are less than sweet.


Sugar is casually mixed into recipes or slipped in on the ingredients list of a nutrition label. In fact, according to Harvard Medical School's Health Blog, "added sugars make up at least 10% of the calories the average American eats in a day." Overshadowed by fat in recent nutritional history, sugar has typically been treated as a normal and safe ingredient and is often used as a substitute for fat to improve taste.


However, it has health effects that are far-reaching and debilitating, including:

  • Decreased satiation

    • Sugar doesn't fill you up, so you eat more calories after consuming it

  • Addiction

    • Sugar releases ​dopamine, which causes your brain to want more of it

  • Raised cholesterol levels

  • Increased risk of disease

    • Type II diabetes

    • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (and strains on the liver in general)

    • Heart disease

    • Cancer

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